Working with Amy: Demon of Innovation and Wealth

Purpose: To call upon Amy's influence in matters of innovation, creativity, and financial prosperity. Whether you’re working on a new project, need a breakthrough in your career, or want to attract wealth, Amy is the demon who can assist you.

Amy’s Attributes:

  • Domain: Innovation, creativity, financial prosperity, new ideas, breakthroughs.
  • Color association: Gold (wealth), yellow (clarity and creativity), purple (innovation, high vibrational energy).
  • Element association: Fire (symbolizing energy, transformation, and quick manifestation).
  • Day: Friday, a day traditionally associated with Venus (love, creativity, attraction, wealth).

Supplies Needed:

  • A yellow or gold candle (symbolizing creativity, success, and prosperity)
  • A purple candle (symbolizing innovation, intellect, and breakthrough)
  • A piece of citrine or pyrite (crystals for wealth and prosperity)
  • A piece of paper and pen (for writing your goals or desires)
  • A small bowl of water (for purification)
  • Incense (frankincense or sandalwood for clarity and higher vibrations)
  • A personal item (something related to your business, idea, or project)


  1. Cleansing the Space: Before you begin, cleanse your ritual space of any negative energy. Light your incense and let the smoke fill the area. You can also use a small bowl of water to sprinkle around your working space as an offering of purification.

  2. Centering Your Mind: Sit in a quiet space for a few moments, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Focus on your breath and visualize the clear, focused energy you need to succeed in your creative and financial endeavors.

The Ritual:

  1. Setting Up the Altar:

    • Place the yellow or gold candle and the purple candle on your altar or ritual space.
    • Light the candles as you say, "I call upon Amy, the demon of innovation, creativity, and wealth. I invite your presence to guide me toward success and financial prosperity. May your wisdom inspire my work and open doors for abundance."
  2. Invoke Amy’s Energy: As the candles burn, focus your energy on Amy and what you need her help with. Visualize her as a figure of vibrant, glowing energy, radiating light and creativity. Imagine her surrounding you with an aura of success, bringing clarity to your mind and opening your heart to new possibilities.

    Say the following invocation aloud or silently:

    "Amy, bring your energy of innovation and wealth into my life. I call upon you to assist me in manifesting new ideas, breakthroughs, and opportunities for financial success. Guide me to act on my creativity and bring forth new projects that lead to abundance and prosperity."

  3. Writing Your Goals: On the piece of paper, write down your specific goals related to creativity, innovation, or financial success. Be clear about what you need assistance with—whether it's a new business venture, an innovative idea, or a project that requires a breakthrough.

    For example, you can write:

    • “I call upon Amy to assist me in manifesting a successful business venture that brings me financial prosperity.”
    • “I invoke Amy to bring creative ideas that allow me to thrive and innovate in my career.”

    After writing down your goals, fold the paper three times, holding the intention of success and innovation in your hands. Place it next to the candles.

  4. Empowering with Crystals: Hold the citrine or pyrite crystal in your hands and feel its energy of wealth and abundance. Place the crystal on top of the folded paper with your written goals. Focus on the crystal’s energy amplifying your intentions and attracting prosperity.

    Say aloud: "Amy, empower this crystal and my desires. May it bring clarity, creativity, and financial abundance into my life. Guide me to the path of innovation and success."

  5. Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving the goals you have written. Imagine your project flourishing, your business succeeding, or your creative ideas taking off. See the flow of wealth and recognition entering your life. Visualize Amy standing beside you, guiding you with clarity and offering her energy of innovation and prosperity.

  6. Chant for Manifestation: Chant the following words three times:

    “Amy, bring your brilliance and wealth to me, Open the doors of innovation and success, Guide my path to prosperity and ease, Bring me the breakthrough I need, as I will, so mote it be.”

    Visualize the words you have spoken taking form as energy, expanding outward from your heart and merging with the energy of the candles and crystals.

Closing the Ritual:

  1. Thank Amy: When you feel the ritual has come to a close, thank Amy for her presence and assistance. You can say:

    “Amy, thank you for your guidance, innovation, and the prosperity you have brought to my life. May your energy continue to fuel my endeavors, and may the path to my success be clear and prosperous. So mote it be.”

  2. Extinguish the Candles: Let the candles burn for as long as they are safe, allowing the energy to continue working. When you are finished, snuff out the candles rather than blowing them out to avoid scattering the intention.

  3. Storing Your Petition: Keep the folded paper with your written goals in a safe, sacred space where you will regularly see it. This keeps the energy flowing and reminds you to take action in your projects and goals.

  4. Trust in the Process: Once the ritual is complete, have confidence that Amy is working with you to manifest your desires. Be open to the opportunities and breakthroughs that will arise.

Important Notes:

  • Confidence and Action: Trust in the work you’ve done, but also take action in the physical world. Amy’s energy works best when combined with your efforts.
  • Regular Offerings: You can regularly offer small tokens of appreciation to Amy, like lighting a candle in her honor or leaving a small offering of fruit or incense, to maintain a good relationship and draw her energy to you as needed.

By invoking Amy, you open the channels for creativity, innovation, and financial success to flow into your life. Her assistance can bring rapid results when you’re clear in your intentions and diligent in your actions.


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